Not Lethal For BSK

March 9th, 2022 § 0 comments § permalink

BSK today lunched on Russ & Daughters matzo ball soup. Unlike HG, BSK had no problem in swallowing the matzo ball. However, BSK thought it bland. Very unlike the light as a feather matzo ball that BSK creates. BSK’s matzo balls contain much chopped dill and some other flavor enhancing ingredients. Far better than HG’s Mom’s matzo balls or any Jewish delicatessen versions. BSK does other excellent Jewish dishes such as kasha varnishkes (buckwheat groats with fried onions and sour cream) and tender stewed brisket awash in lusty gravy. BSK doesn’t make blintzes. But, BSK does make crepes topped with red salmon caviar (and sour cream, of course). Not so shabby. Mystery. How can a Canadian/Midwestern woman babtised in an Episcopal church cook with such Jewish soul ? The mystery has been solved, BSK’s sister, Noel M., had her ancestry checked online. Turns out there’s a healthy amount of Ashkenazi Jewishness in her background (BSK’s would be the same). Welcome to the tribe, BSK.

Avocados From Mexico

March 6th, 2022 § 0 comments § permalink

For some obscure reason, Mexican avocados couldn’t be exported to the land of the free, brave and crazy. Thankfully, they are back in abundance. A further blessing, they are very inexpensive at HG/BSK’s local New Mexico supermarket in Pojoaque (minutes from HG/BSK’s home). The mystery is how something so delicious can also be so nutritious and life sustaining. At dinner, BSK often serves a salad of sliced avocado and Kumatos (juicy brown tomatoes). Goes with everything–meat, fish or fowl. Avocado toast is the best breakfast. However, avocados achieve spicy splendor in guacamole. BSK makes guacamole with a chunky texture and adds local green chile salsa (Young Guns brand) or tomatillo sauce, or pico de gallo made by local women. Lots of lemon juice. Best guac is at a nearby restaurant, Gabriel’s. It’s made tableside and pounded in a traditional bowl with a host of savory ingredients. Sip a Margarita, eat the guac and be happy.

Perfect Meal. Pungent Aftermath.

March 3rd, 2022 § 0 comments § permalink

BSK shopped at Santa Fe’s Whole Foods this afternoon. Picked up ingredients for the perfect dinner: Wild salmon filets, first spring asparagus, sweet potatoes. BSK marinated the salmon in a spicy Korean sauce and pan broiled the fish into medium rare succulence. The asparagus was steamed to the right texture and gilded with a butter and lemon sauce. The sweet potatoes got a long bout in the oven. HG likes to put big chunks of butter in the sweet spuds. BSK just gives them a sprinkle of sea salt. Excellent bottle of Chianti accompanied. Weather was delightful. Temp in the 60’s. Blue skies. Bright sun. So, this climaxed a perfect day. However, Salmon is a fatty fish and cooking it on a gas range creates an aroma. HG doesn’t mind. But, BSK has sensitive nostrils. Exhaust was put in motion. Candles were lit. Matches struck. It took a while, but the aroma diminished. BSK sighed with relief.

Lethal Matzo Ball

March 2nd, 2022 § 0 comments § permalink

The landmark New York “appetizer store”, Russ & Daughters, delivered a tasty package to HG in New Mexico. Scallion cream cheese. Red salmon caviar. Chopped liver. Schmaltz herring. Two quarts of matzo ball soup. Pumpernickel bread. To start dinner, HG poured vodka on the rocks plus a beer chaser. Ate chunks of the herring with slices of the bread and washed them down with the alcoholic beverages. Heated a bowl of the matzo ball soup. Refilled the beer glass. Sipped the broth and ate the boiled slices of carrot (both very good). Time to bite into the piece de resistance: The matzo ball. Disaster. Perfectly soft and light ball. However, matzo ball grains lodged in HG’s surgically constricted throat. Uncomfortable evening dislodging them. Is HG doomed to a non-matzo ball life? Sadness.

Landlocked Seafood

March 1st, 2022 § 0 comments § permalink

No seas moisten the borders of New Mexico, rightfully called “The Land of Enchantment.” Yes, the state is landlocked. However, splendid seafood is available, airlifted to Whole Foods, fresh and tasty. Yesterday, BSK bought petrale sole fillets. BSK dipped them in beaten egg, dusted them lightly with flour, and sauteed them perfectly. A bit of melted butter, lemon juice, Frank’s hot sauce. They were served with mashed potatoes and braised endive. Elegant meal. Night before, BSK topped cheesy, creamy grits with a melange of previously frozen shellfish. And, tonight there will be spicy shrimp with linguini (olive oil, garlic, parsley, anchovy sauce). In a few months, HG/BSK will be on Prince Edward Island. HG/BSK’s oceanfront summer home is minutes from local lobster, mussels, and fish. Plus world’s best oysters (surprisingly inexpensive). Pass the shucking tools, please.

Glorious Granddaughters

February 24th, 2022 § 0 comments § permalink

Arianna and Sofia Riva, HG/BSK’s beautiful and brilliant granddaughters, are spending a week at HG/BSK’s New Mexico home. Nothing could be more joyou. Arianna brought along her regal, imperious male cat—Mintern. Though not affectionate, Toby, The Wonder Dog, gets along politely with Mintern. The young women have been missing Tex/Mex food so lunches have been festivals with tacos, breakfast burritos, menudo and other good things obtained takeout from nearby Gabriel’s, Sopaipilla Factory and El Parasol. Arianna and Sofia were active sous chefs and after dinner cleanuppers. Arianna has a high tech job (she lives near Boulder, Co.) so she had to interrupt vacation time with some lengthy intervals at her computer. Sofia, who is getting her Master’s degree in Padua, Italy, had time for hikes and church visits (Chimayo) with BSK. Upon leaving the USA, Sofia will meet up in London with HG daughter, Victoria, and Vic’s husband, Marc Meyer. They’ll be in London to explore new restaurant ideas. Lucky Sofia will accompany the New York restaurateurs to their gourmet destinations. BSK made a robust picante green chile pork stew for farewell dinner. Palates were cooled by desserts of vanilla ice cream topped with BSK’s lush raspberry puree. The dinner was enlivened by the presence of HG/BSK’s dear friend and former neighbor, Karen K. Karen now lives in Santa Fe and once more is in the process.of creating a glorious garden Happily, she brought a box of chocolates . A bite of chocolate, a sip of Jack Daniels. Perfect climax to a farewell dinner.

Toothless No More

February 19th, 2022 § 0 comments § permalink

Happy HG is smiling–and chewing–again. Skilled Santa Fe dentist, Dr. Marc Applebaum, placed HG’s repaired and refurbished dentures into HG’s mouth. Oh,joy. HG’s first act of chewing after toothless days was savoring menudo (spicy Mexican tripe stew). Pure pleasure. Dinner was “Mariscada” (Spanish mixed seafood stew in garlicky green sauce). BSK based it on the dish HG/BSK often relished at long closed El Faro restaurant in New York’s Greenwich Village. BSK tweaked the BSK version with the addition of fresh asparagus. Functioning teeth. BSK cuisine. A tasty combination.


February 14th, 2022 § 0 comments § permalink

Thirty years ago HG had life saving surgery for throat cancer (this followed 50 years of cigarette smoking). Post-surgery there were weeks of radiation. The radiation had a destructive effect on HG’s gums and all teeth had to be pulled. Dentures were provided by a skilled Dentist in Vancouver B.C., enabling HG to eat steak, corn on the cob, etc. With the passage of time, these dentures were ill fitting and inefficient. It was time for major reconstruction. So, it was off to a dental specialist for an hour of fitting and recasting with new molds sent to a lab for finishing work. This has left HG toothless for almost four days surviving on soups, yogurt, ice cream, maple syrup, coffee and wine. Absence of teeth did not impair usual routine of pre-dinner Negronis and after dinner Jack Daniels whiskey. (BSK’s savory “green soup” was very comforting for lunch and dinner). Will get new dentures tomorrow HG will smile.


February 12th, 2022 § 0 comments § permalink

HG’s late Mom was born Cheikeh (The “Ch” was pronounced as a guttural) Kopkind in the Belorussian “shtetl” of Plestyanitz. Her first name was Americanized to “Ida” when she married Hershel Freimann (later Americanized to “Harry Freeman”). Harry, my late beloved Father, emigrated to the United States in 1904. So HG’s family has been American for some 118 years. Not a Mayflower arrival…but, still.. HG was raised on Mom’s hearty, Jewish/Eastern European cuisine. The distinguished food writer Waverley Root, in his book “The Food of France’, divided that country into three culinary regions determined by the substance that was the basis of their cuisine: Alsace Lorraine (lard); Ile de France (butter); Provence (olive oil). Mom used butter in kosher approved “dairy” dishes but her principal cooking substance was chicken fat that she rendered herself from plump chickens. New Mexico is in a frigid and snowy weather anomaly. This has made HG nostalgic for his Mom’s home cooking. Sweet and sour stuffed cabbage (“holishkes”) was her parade dish and it was a masterpiece. HG has written often about Mom’s kneidels (matzo meal and chicken fat dumplings); sweet and spicy “tzimmes”( grated carrots cooked with honey, ginger, chicken fat and chicken feet);  chopped liver (served with fiery slices of black radish). Her winter soup was called “kapusta” and contained cabbage, a mix of vegetables and a gilding of –guess what?–chicken fat. An important winter dinner dish was brisket with gravy and kasha enriched with fried onions and (nu?) chicken fat. An HG favorite was “kishka” (a chicken neck stuffed with matzo meal, garlic chopped onion, chicken fat and baked in the oven). This was a worthy companion of brisket.The best winter breakfast was Mom’s blintzes (rolled crepes stuffed with farmer cheese and fried in butter). A happy present day culinary note. Gifted BSK can be prevailed upon to make matzo ball chicken soup. BSK’s matzo balls are lush and light. Must confess. Better than Ida’s.

A Delightful Visit

February 6th, 2022 § 0 comments § permalink

HG/BSK have a new friend. His name is Alfie, and he’s an adorable, frisky little Havanese. He accompanied our wonderful Colorado/British Columbia friends Antony and Claudia C. on their brief visit (cocktails and dinner) to HG/BSK’s New Mexico home. Alfie is joining Antony and Claudia’s beloved long time doggies—Genghis and Boodles. Toby, The Wonder Dog, was in heaven; three non-destructive dogs to play with. As is their generous custom, Antony and Claudia did not come empty handed: Montepulciano d’Abruzzo wine (an HG/BSK favorite); Stilton and other cheeses, pickled herring appetizer; beer, blueberry pie. BSK cooked savory shrimp and grits for dinner (always a jolly affair with the C ‘s). Dessert was a yummy key lime pie (Whole Foods). The blueberry pie will be saved for pie a la mode on the following evening. Yes, a visit from the C’s is always a warm, stimulating treat.

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