Beating the Heat With Treats

August 11th, 2022 § 0 comments

Very hot day on Prince Edward Island. Later in the day window adjustments were made capturing comforting oceanfront breezes. But, dinner (when the air was sweltering) was a tasty response to heat. Meal began with cold and delicious Colville Bay oysters, expertly shucked by HG/BSK’s distinguished son in law, Massimo R. Then, his wife, HG/BSK’s gifted daughter, Lesley R.,took over (with sous chef assistance from healthy BSK). The menu: Salmon mousse (scooped up with endive leaves). Sea scallop ceviche (a Lesley specialty). Newfoundland shrimp salad (another Lesley culinary gem). Bulgur rice and vegetable salad. Cold white wine was poured and the heat was beat. HG concluded with the usual dessert of French chestnut puree and squeeze can whipped cream accompanied by a glass of red wine. All in all, the ultimate warm weather dinner.

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