Takeout and Delivery? Feh!!

April 2nd, 2022 § 0 comments § permalink

In Woody Allen movies (and some Seinfeld episodes) delivered Chinese food is eaten with pleasure. This is not to HG’s taste. Flavors are lost. Reheating, either stovetop or microwave, turns everything to mush. Last night, SJ brought Malaysian restaurant dishes to the Vancouver rental apartment for family dinner. HG found it inedible. Also, attempts to swallow dried out fish resulted in particles being lodged in HG’s throat (as noted in other posts, HG has to be cautious in swallowing because of throat constriction due to cancer surgery some decades ago). Much coughing and discomfort. HG’s struggles do not enhance the dining experience for others. Gifted Daughter Lesley R. rescued HG by heating and straining very good (and piquant) Laksa broth. HG drank it with gusto, washed down with Korean soju and beer chasers (noting soju’s dizzying effect, SJ watered down HG’s glass considerably. Wise move. No tumbles for HG. HG’s opinion: The only takeout food that retains its integrity is the Menudo (tripe stew) from the Tex-Mex restaurants near HG/BSK’s New Mexico home. Cures hangovers and freezes well. Drawback: Can’t be consumed too often since it is very high in cholesterol.

Oyama Sausage Company

March 31st, 2022 § 0 comments § permalink

The ultimate destination for gourmands in the very food conscious city of Vancouver is Oyama Sausage Company located in the colorful and busy Granville Island Public Market. Oyama is owned and run by French Canadians. They sell their own creations. Among them are the best, silkiest duck pates (truffle, mushroom, etc.). They’ve been a staple at the family reunion dinner table. HG favors their garlic head cheese and coarse ground “Pate Parisienne.” In season, they make a coarse ground pheasant pate (the stuff dreams are made of). In cold weather months Oyama cooks voluminous amounts of addictive cassoulet. Also featured are a stunning variety of sausages, ham, salami and sliced meats including tongue and Bavarian leberkase. And, there’s cheese. French, Italian, English, Canadian flavors in peak condition. Oyama is heaven.

Dynasty Seafood Dim Sum

March 30th, 2022 § 3 comments § permalink

Wonderful gifted daughter, Lesley R., is fond of dim sum so the family couldn’t let her leave Vancouver without a dim sum feast. Living in the Providence, R.I., area, Lesley has lots of Asian and other international foods at her disposal. Oysters, fish, squid, clams, mussels come from the waters surrounding the Ocean State. (The clams and squid are incomparable). And, given the large Italian and Portuguese populations, there are excellent shops and restaurants specializing in the cuisine of the countries. But, dim sum? For that you have to travel to Boston’s Chinatown (the trip can be arduous because of traffic). Before Lesley arrived in Van for the glorious family reunion,(HG/BSK,SJ/Maiko/Haru/Teru), dim sum was the menu at the much touted Western Lake Seafood Restaurant on Victoria Drive. Huge dim sum steamed and fried dishes (shumai and crystal prawn dumplings as big as softballs). Relatively inexpensive. Family was not impressed. So, for Lesley , the dim sum destination was Dynasty Seafood, an upscale restaurant in West Vancouver. Great choice. Fabulous food. Much creative variety. HG’s favorites were the black truffle dumplings, beef balls, prawn and chive dumplings (sticky rice looked spectacular but HG was too full to try). HG and Haru didn’t join us because they were with SJ’s lifetime pal, Jon Small and his musically talented son, Elijah. However, there will be more dim sum before leaving Van, Red Star (a favorite of Van’s upper crust). may be a choice.

Treats For HG

March 29th, 2022 § 0 comments § permalink

HG is very lucky. Though handicapped by old age (93 in November, hopefully), HG gets outstanding, kind care from BSK. This includes obtaining tasty foods that HG can swallow (swallowing is hampered by cancer surgery decades ago). So, this morning HG was very happy with Canadian Liberte Yogurt (from Montreal) enriched with dark, pungent Canadian maple syrup. For late lunch, SJ brought HG Soondubu Jjigae from a nearby Korean restaurant. Wow!! This was a spicy soft tofu stew. Fiery dish. Stimulating and satisfying. Birthday treat day for Adorable Teru. So, the women of the family (BSK, Lesley, Maiko) took Her to Granville Island for gifts(crossword puzzles, etc.) and sweet goodies. The Granville Island Public Market is a food wonderland, a jewel of beautiful Vancouver. While there, the grownups feasted on fried oysters. Of course, they bought tasty things for HG’s dinner (including pickled Dutch herring). Lucky HG?You betcha!!!

Vancouver Culinary Pleasures

March 27th, 2022 § 2 comments § permalink

Bun Cha Ca Hoang Yen is a long name for a modest sized Vietnamese restaurant on Victoria Drive. Had a late lunch there yesterday and enjoyed the best pho HG ever tasted. It was a fish pho and every element was perfect—flavorful broth, springy (not overcooked) rice noodles, super generous amount of tasty steamed fish. Very fresh vegetable garnishes. Vietnamese lemonade to drink. The rest of the family had various other pho variations plus lemongrass grilled meats. Hearty approval. SJ didn’t like the spring rolls. If the family visits again, HG suggests salad rolls or fried fish cakes instead of the spring rolls. Teru is making HG’s breakfasts memorable by making creative smoothies to top the yogurt. After dinner at the rental apartment, HG sips red wine with Chocolat Blanc Et Langue De Chat cookies from Tokyo’s Shiroi Koibito bakery. These are cookies in the form of a white chocolate sandwich. A gift to HG from Exquisite Maiko, they are addictive. HG follows this with a snifter of Jameson’s Irish Whiskey (savory gift to HG from SJ). HG concludes the evening with a few spoonfuls of Earnest vanilla ice cream. A BSK discovery, this expensive luxury is so densely rich that just a few spoonfuls suffice. Generous Exquisite Maiko gave HG one more gift: premium Soju. This is a Korean whiskey that is deceptively mild but delicious when served over ice with a bit of water. Beware!! It has a kick. HG overindulged with Soju and beer chasers. Result: Drunk and very dizzy. Led to a mishap but all is well except for two bruised toes.

Morning Bliss

March 26th, 2022 § 0 comments § permalink

BSK scored a winner when BSK leased an immaculate house for the family reunion. The house is located in the quiet Woodlands neighborhood of Vancouver. Some of the features: big well equipped kitchen; comfy living room with a smart tv; three spacious bedrooms and three baths; warming gas fireplace; dining table and chairs for six; two desks (upstairs and downstairs) for computers. HG/BSK are occupying the vast master suite–queen size bed and pleasant lounge chairs; lots of dresser space with smoothly functioning drawers; the aforementioned computer desk; separate room for luggage storage and clothes hanging. The big bathroom is a spa. There are separate vanities for HG and BSK plus ample counter space. A huge curved tub perfect for a leisurely soak. And then there’s the steam bath/rain shower room. Each morning HG sits on a bench and is enveloped with steam. Better than any old fashioned New York steam bath houses (and it’s private). The shower is a high intensity rain shower with a wide range of water temperatures. A perfect way to start the day. Bliss.

Vancouver Food

March 24th, 2022 § 1 comment § permalink

HG is delighted to breakfast each Vancouver morning on Liberte Strawberry Yogurt (only available in Canada and made in Montreal, HG believes). HG adds a pour of dark Canadian maple syrup on his yogurt for added splendor. Pacific Cream of Tomato soup is a pleasant light lunch (haven’t seen this product in the USA). Donald Market was a HG/BSK fave when it was located on a corner site on Commercial Drive. It has moved to Nanaimo Street and has become a huge supermarket containing everything fresh, green, frozen, packaged, canned, jarred, etc.,that a discerning gourmand might desire. For example: The sausage display includes three flavors of Italian fennel sausage, a favorite HG food. Of course, there is an astonishing array of Asian foods–fresh, packaged or frozen. The Granville Island Public Market remains a food mecca. The family went to the Market today so there will be fresh sole for dinner tonight cooked by Exquisite Maiko in her inimitable fashion. Porchetta, prosciutto,wild boar salami and duck truffle pate were some other purchases; also Winnipeg cream cheese and aged cheddar. Feasts lie ahead. Don’t want to neglect local restaurants. Dined last night at Basil Garden (short walk from rental home). Excellent pho and spring rolls. Plus a surprise: Avocado smoothies.

They’re Here!

March 22nd, 2022 § 0 comments § permalink

Yes, the wonderful Tokyo family–SJ, Exquisite Maiko, Handsome Haru, Adorable Teru–have arrived in Vancouver for a long awaited family reunion (Lesley R., Victoria Freeman and Marc Meyer will be here in a few days). Stupendous joy. Hugs. Kisses. The big surprises are Haru and Teru. Haru has become a man, Taller than Jeremy. Congratulations are in order. Because of intensive study Haru has been admitted to the high school of his choice (and he has a beautiful girlfriend). And, Teru has become very grown up. New skills are karate and hip hop dancing. She’s cute, funny and good company. Two weeks of fun are anticipated. Lucky HG/BSK.

Vancouver. At last.

March 21st, 2022 § 0 comments § permalink

Off to family reunion (SJ and wonderful family; daughter Lesley R.; Victoria Freeman and husband Marc Meyer) in wonderful vancouver, HG/BSK’s part time home for many years. Have rented a three bedroom, three bath home (tell you about its wonders in next post). Slept (very fitfully) at Best Western motel in Albuquerque in order to catch an early Alaskan Airlines flight to Van (highly recommend Alaska Airlines for air travel). HG arrived in Van tired and feeling poorly (last meal at Sushi Hana did not agree with the old guy). Off to Chongqing Chinese Restaurant on Commercial Drive A favorite when living nearby). Terrible. Lousy food (though BSK liked her Szechuan spring beans, a throat handicapped HG couldn’t swallow). Expensive with criminally bad service. Must be new ownership. Thoughtful BSK shopped and restored HG with spicy Thai soup and sublime soft tofu. Chilled Rose wine. Much happier and healthier HG. Off to bed and fell into deep sleep immediately. A new happy man in the morning with delights to come.

Greek Goodness

March 15th, 2022 § 0 comments § permalink

BSK used Greek cuisine techniques to make a fabulous dinner dish last night—Youvarlakia Avgolemony. Translation: Meatballs (made of ground chicken) floating in golden soup featuring lemons and beaten eggs. BSK mixed the ground chicken with cracker crumbs, herbs, olive oil and spices. Poached in the soup they were light and flavorful. On the menus of Greek restaurants in the USA, the soup is called “avgolemono” and is usually served in a bowl with rice. Avgolemono can be thickened into a sauce. BSK serves it over grilled leg of lamb.The lamb is marinated and butterflied. This procedure means there is a choice of rare, medium rare or medium slices of lamb. Everyone is pleased. The avgolemono adds a zesty, silky layer of flavor. (For those, like HG, who like a bit of spicy heat, a minimal dusting of cayenne can be employed).

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