Super Pasta

August 23rd, 2022 § 0 comments

Pasta for dinner. And, it was spectacular. Lesley R. cut many kernels of sweet corn and mixed them with sliced sea scallops, diced zucchini, onions,cherry tomatoes, garlic, parsley, cilantro and other herbs plus spices. This was simmered in olive oil for a super sofrito that merged beautifully with linguini. HG drank some pleasant pinot noir and happily watched a sunset that sent shafts of color on HG/BSK’s oceanfront home. What made the pasta very special was Lesley’s attention to detail. Scallops are attached to their shells by a tough, inedible muscle. Lesley cut the muscles away and that gave the scallops additional succulence. There were still some ears of corn remaining. HG hopes Lesley will make her excellent corn fritters. In a pinch, HG will fry corn pancakes. Served with sour cream or gilded with maple syrup, these are a breakfast treat. Yes, seasonal sweet corn is a gift that keeps on giving.

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