Yesteryear Quick Treats

April 29th, 2024 § 0 comments

When HG/BSK lived in Montclair, NJ. HG commuted to HG’s public relations office by express bus (Then a brisk Manhattan walk to HG’s destination). However, HG had time to stop at the Midtown Bus Terminal Frankfurter counter for the best hot dog in the world. It was topped with tangy sauerkraut and yellow mustard on a steamed bun and washed down with a not too sweet root beer. (HG has never had a bow-wow snack to equal this Midtown treat). Other quick Manhattan treats were the tacos served from a doorway in the West 30’s (It was the only taco stand in New York) and the Italian grilled sausage and peppers served on Italian bread from a truck in Greenwich Village. During warm summer months, HG visited a gloomy little shop on lower Madison Avenue (owned and run by two Holocaust survivors–husband and wife–  whose Nazi number tattoos were visible on their arms). Among other things they sold Schav (Ice cold sorrel soup). It was as good as the Schav made by my late Mom. Nothing could be more refreshing on a sultry day.

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