Restaurants From Turmoil

May 23rd, 2022 § 0 comments

Yes, revolution and geopolitical horror create American taste treats. On every level, the Vietnamese War was a disaster for America.Terrible waste of American lives and resources (And, death and destruction for Vietnamese). Food result: Banh Mi sandwiches (Baguette, pate, pickles, pork, mayo) are an American lunch treat (especially in New York and LA).. Vietnamese restaurants specializing in Pho and other good things are ubiquitous in The Land of The Free, Brave and Crazy. Postwar, the Japanese conflict and unspeakable Japanese nuclear deaths, brought Sushi to thousands of USA restaurants (and supermarkets) Only billionaires can afford the very best. When Castro overthrew Batista, many Cuban Chinese emigrated to the USA. They opened Cuban-Chinese restaurants in the United States. Favorites of HG. There used to be many. Don’t know if there are any left. HG dined on black beans and rice (“moros y cristianos”),crisp fried shrimps; avocado and orange salads; Grilled Cubano sandwiches; excellent black coffee. So, what will Ukraine bring?

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