
May 17th, 2022 § 0 comments

HG finds the word “pet” to describe domestic animals as demeaning and condescending. Toby, The Wonder Dog, is not a “pet.” He is a useful and life enhancing member of the HG/BSK family. Sometimes HG stumbles and falls to the floor (These are modest non-injurious tumbles owing to alcohol overindulgence). Toby races to HG and alerts BSK to prone HG. If HG makes any noise (but not a tumble), Toby is right there making sure everything is okay. Toby is a very alert watchdog. Though small in stature, he has a powerful bark that would frighten an interloper. Toby is communicative. He indicates when it’s mealtime; when he wants a tummy rub; when he wants to go out. When BSK says “bedtime,” Toby perches on the foot of HG/BSK’s bed and quietly sleeps. Awakens BSK at 8:30 AM (more efficient and more fun than an alarm clock). “Pet” Nope. Just a valuable and loving individual creature.

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