Flawed Phillip Johnson

October 14th, 2021 § 0 comments

Philip Johnson had a long life (1896-2005) and a distinguished 75-year career as an American modernist architect and architectural influence. His residence in New Canaan, Conn., “The Glass House” is a National Trust Historic Site. Built on 49 acres of greenery, there are a number of other structures including an art gallery, a sculpture gallery, a library, etc. Frank Lloyd Wright visited the glass house and remarked: “Am I inside or outside?”. His career was flawed by a 1934-40 interval when he praised fascism and made anti-semitic statements. He later disavowed this and was forgiven by many (but not HG). Another flaw, much more minor, was his belief that ocean views were “boring.” HG, surrounded by ocean views in HG/BSK’s oceanfront Prince Edward Island home, finds these vistas exciting and ever changing. Sea is calm but quickly changes into rough waters with spectacular rolling waves. The whitecaps are beautiful in both sunny and grey weather. Clouds (cumulus, mackerel, etc.) are reflected in the sea. Birds (gulls, cormorants, osprey,eagles, starlings) soar above. Sunsets turn the shores and horizon into blazes of color. Johnson’s beliefs about ocean views were possibly based on the architect’s desire to control the environment. Yes, you can control New England acreage but you can’t control the seas. Johnson’s personal appearance was dramatized by large, round black framed eyeglasses. HG found a source for these reading glasses and wears them. Fittingly, they are called “Architect” glasses.

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