Hurricane & “Holishkes”

September 6th, 2021 § 0 comments

Lots of rain and strong winds. HG/BSK’s Prince Edward Island oceanfront home is feeling the late stages of Hurricane Ida. Glad that a hurricane is named after HG’s late, beloved mother, Ida Kopkind Freeman. HG’s Mom had a great command of traditional eastern European Jewish cuisine. It was only when she attempted “American” dishes did she falter. (Her hamburgers and fried chicken? Oy, veh!!!). An HG favorite among her Jewish dishes was sweet and sour stuffed cabbage (“Holishkes” in Yiddish). The poet, Heine, exclaimed when having “holishkes” at a Vienna kosher restaurant: “What a noble religion we have !!). The ingredients for the mind altering sauce include tomatoes, honey, onions, ginger, etc. You’ll find some authentic recipes online. Enjoy and remember Heine, hurricanes and Mom.

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