High-Cal, High Cholesterol Treat

September 19th, 2021 § 2 comments

HG is a very old man. And, as a nonagenarian, HG feels entitled to a comforting, unhealthy treat now and then. One choice is creamy scrambled eggs. Thoughtfully, BSK has provided HG with a small, non-stick Paderno pan. It is the perfect size for the eggs and is used for nothing but egg cooking. Here’s how HG makes the lush scrambles. Eggs are beaten with heavy sweet cream. Pan is heated to medium and a generous (lots) amount of butter is melted. Once melted, the heat is turned down to a simmer and the eggs are gently swirled with a rubber spatula (don’t want to scratch the pan’s surface). When done to a super soft, velvet consistency the eggs are plated (the plate has been preheated, of course). Salt. Pepper. Slice of bread. Hot coffee. Bliss.

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