Insects, Crows, Etc.

April 25th, 2021 § 2 comments

HG is fascinated by the insects that visit HG/BSK’s Prince Edward Island oceanfront home. House flies have a life span. They die naturally, not just by swatter attack. Yesterday, the valiant but futile efforts of a weakened fly caught HG’s attention. It was a grim parable of life. Seated on the window sill, the fly made an effort to scale the window to find a warm and sunny spot. The fly would ascend five or six inches (some three feet from the desired location) and fall back to the sill. A minute of rest. Another futile effort. This went on for some fifteen minutes. HG assumed the prone fly was dead. But, no. There was a final effort, a one foot climb. Then, a fall and death. RIP, little guy. Spiders and sow bugs react in the same way when approaching swatter death. First, they lie still. Then, as they finally get the scent of danger, they move fast and HG has to act swiftly to end their pesky life. Ladybugs and caterpillars are oblivious. No matter the circumstance, they just mosey along. BSK is concerned about the nourishment of outdoor critters during these icy days (Spring is showing a mild progress). BSK dumps a platter of leftovers in a secluded spot. A crow on a telephone wire (the “watchcrow”) takes note and makes signals. A flock of crows descend. BSK only hopes some treats are left for a favorite small golden haired fox.

§ 2 Responses to Insects, Crows, Etc."

  • Robert Cox says:

    Nice tiny slice of life Hungry, mi amigo. The little things always hold their fascination, don’t they? When we stop to pay attention to them. Too bad the E.B. Whites have left us…but keep up the tradition of doing more work with words than a camera could ever accomplish.
    Speaking of bugs, you reminded me that I had written this — — a while back. Maybe we’d better stop swatting the little critters.

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