February 5th, 2019 § 0 comments

Headline in Santa Fe New Mexican sports section: SUPER SNOOZE. Yes, Like most of America HG watched the Super Bowl. But, HG differed from the majority. HG thought it a fascinating and exciting game. There are two parts to football. Offense and Defense. Patriots coach Bill Belichick (and his coaching aides) fashioned a superb defensive plan and the Patriots players executed it flawlessly. American pro football fans want to see lots of scoring. Thrills galore. Americans don’t share the worldwide passion for soccer because there’s little scoring. Basketball of course, is non-stop scoring. HG, who has much football expertise, enjoys defensive maneuvers as much as aerial derring-do and long dashes by running backs. This Patriots-Rams Super Bowl was a game for grid experts. who appreciate action on both sides of the ball. Read Bill Barnwell on ESPN for the best (and most thorough analysis).

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