Party of Lincoln or Hitler?

December 11th, 2018 § 0 comments

Permit HG to express fury. In a searing column, Paul Krugman of The New York Times, called the Republican Party the “party of full authoritarianism.” In its blind obedience to its leader, Der Trumper (and his lackeys), the GOP has used gerrymandering and blocking the votes of minorities (mainly African-Americans) to keep and seize power. It has echoed Der Trumperer’s war on the media and his disgraceful environmental and immigration policies. The GOP and Der Trumperer have denigrated some of the most significant American institutions: The Federal and State Courts; the Department of Justice; the FBI, the CIA, etc. Like Hitler, the GOP and Der Trumperer are trying to create a Federal government where all institutions serve the President (or Dictator) and not the people of the United States. The disaster of global warming has been denied and the use of fossil fuels has been encouraged. The changes in environmental laws favor industrial giants (and oil companies) while despoiling our air, water, wild life, wilderness, national parks and monuments. Der Trumperer’s tax laws favor the rich and the USA”s health care system is a shambles, the worst among industrialized nations. HG thinks labeling the GOP “authoritarian” is too mild. In HG’s view, the GOP is creating a Fascist oligarchy. Democracy is in danger.

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