When You’re A Jet You’re A Jet All The Way….

January 17th, 2011 § 0 comments

The outrageous, neurotic, showboating Noo Yawk, Noo Yawk Jets triumphed. Sweeter than a Mallomar. More delicious than an Egg Cream. Nice to see Tom Brady thwarted. Guy looks like a movie star. Dresses like an Italian fashionista. Is married to a world famous, gorgeous model.  Makes about $50,000,000 a year. Not fair.  Why should he have it all? HG relished his throwing the ball away with an “Oh,drat!!” expression. HG watched the game at the opulent Arizona home of his pals, the G’s. In tribute to a Noo Yawk win we dined on delicatessen (faux New York) from Chompies of Scottsdale. Corned beef was quite good. Tongue passed muster. The rest? Reasonable. As the sage (HG) said: You don’t go to Paris for the sun and you don’t go to Arizona for the food. Following the Chompies feast HG repaired to the G’s wonderfully comfortable media room to watch “The Social Network”. Brilliant film. Made better for HG because the thoughtful hostess, lovely Judy G., provided HG with a large slab of Chompies halvah for movie munching. That’s a hostess with the mostess.

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