The Feeding Of Beautiful Sharon Kent. Part Three (Canada)

January 21st, 2011 § 0 comments

Some evocative BSK  food memories from BSK’s life in Grandmother’s Canada house:  The cool fruit cellar with a smell of apples and potatoes.  Climbing the backyard apple tree and sharing green apples (salted) with neighborhood pals. The taste of fresh-from-the-cow vanilla ice cream sold at the corner dairy (BSK would watch the dairymen milk the cows).  The women with European accents selling stalks of brussel sprouts and other fresh vegetables at the nearby farmer’s market.  The best breakfast: A soft boiled egg in BSK’s personal egg cup (accompanied by “soldiers”–thin strips of toast–for dipping. A lunch in Grandmother’s  clean smelling kitchen and a menu of sharp cheddar cheese, celery and carrot sticks (Kate Smith on the radio). Newspaper wrapped, malt vinegar-doused fish and chips under the bridge connecting Sarnia, Ontario with Port Huron, Michigan.  Wintry mornings spooning the frozen cream from the top of the milk bottles on the front porch (milk delivered daily by a horse drawn cart). Roasting hot dogs at a Lake Huron beach cookout (a litte sand made them taste even better). And, butter tarts, butter tarts–the best dessert/snack/goody in the world–something like a mini pecan pie (but better) and never encountered in the United States. A sweet secret of The Friendly Neighbor to the North.

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