English Perversions: Mushy Peas, Jellied Eels, Spanking

December 9th, 2010 § 0 comments

The English they are a funny race. Example: They like to eat a substance called mushy peas. Feh. Even the name is revolting. They also like jellied eels. Feh.  Feh. HG is an eel lover  (Japanese unagi;  smoked eel as Henri Soule used to prepare it with a cloud of horseradish infused whipped cream).  But, jellied eels ?  Once more, even the name is disgusting.  But, what can you expect from folks who get a kinky sex charge from spanking ?  The late Kenneth Tynan, the wonderful English drama critic, essayist and wit was a spanking devotee. So….all of this from the people who won the Battle of Britain and gave us actors and actresses who make great Academy Award acceptance speeches.  Go figure.

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