Women Who Write. Wittily.

November 27th, 2010 § 4 comments

As a journalist, Joyce Wadler of the New York Times is in class by herself. She can craft a sentence that does somersaults, cartwheels and pratfalls. She dazzles. Look for her byline. It usually appears in the Home section on Thursday. Ms. Wadler can make an ordinary interview on the most mundane subject worth reading and then rereading in case you’ve missed some of her cunning ploys. Another witty woman is Lesley Freeman Riva. She writes, wonderfully, on food and family on the Atlantic Food Channel blog. Yes, she is the daughter of Hungry Gerald but nepotism is not an issue. She’s been winning journalism awards,writing books and winning praise from readers and editors for almost 25 years.
With no help from me, I assure you. And, she keeps friends and family very well fed,  indeed. Do not miss her insights on Italy, Italian food and lunch as the most important element of an Italian education. She is married to a distinguished Italian Professor. She has lived for long periods in Venice, Florence, Bologna, Siena and has traveled throughout Italy. She and her two daughters are fluent in Italian though, it is charged, the girls have Venetian accents.

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