Perfect Papardelle

August 14th, 2015 § 0 comments § permalink

As Woody Allen once famously stated: The heart wants what it wants. In a recent posting HG announced that he had abdicated as the Food Fuhrer following a refused request for a Mushroom Papardelle; well, although delayed, HG got the Mushroom Papardelle that he wanted. A week or so back, morning greeted HG with grey skies but by afternoon these had changed to glistening blue. Sun was hot and bright. HG/BSK; Lesley and Massimo R.; Gorgeous Granddaughter Sofia were off to a favorite beach: St. Peters Harbor. Broad beach. Powder white sand. Towering dunes. The sea was warm and, happily, free of seaweed and jellyfish. That meant HG, a splendid, robust figure in a Speedo swimsuit (Nasty observers might characterize HG as a fat old guy wearing inappropriate garb), was in and out of the water. This is an appetite building activity, By the end of the day, HG was ready to dine. HG shucked two dozen Savage Harbor oysters. These had an August, early autumn taste. Summer oysters have a tendency to be milky, but these were briny and wonderfully satisfying. This was followed by a pasta wonder: Papardelle with mushroom sauce. Thoughtful Massimo R., knowing HG’s food passions, had brought some extraordinary Italian Paparderlle to Prince Edward Island. Lesley R. created a classic mushroom sauce. Modest domestic mushrooms were cooked first in order to rid them of water and enhance flavor. Then came shitakes and at the very end: Morells, the king of mushrooms. The tasty fungi were joined by onions, garlic, white wine, a touch of cream, parsley and thyme.The broad noodles were cooked to al dente perfection, worthy marriage partners of the extraordinary sauce. A grating of fresh Parmigiano Reggiano.A grind of black pepper. Much Pinot Noir. A culinary triumph crafted by Gifted Daughter Lesley R.


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