Crazy Amerika

February 21st, 2018 § 0 comments

Well, HG can be wrong about the stock market. In a recent post, HG presumed that the stock market would continue its plunge. HG reasoned that Trumponics, with its huge tax giveaways to corporations and the wealthy plus vast military spending, would create gargantuan deficits. HG believed that the resulting high interest rates and inflation would torpedo stocks. It seems investors don’t care. The market continues to gain. Misguided euphoria?? In the meantime, the cost estimate for Der Trumperer’s military parade is thirty million dollars. Der Trumperer is generous with taxpayer money except when it comes to Medicare and aid to the poor. And, in Florida, some 17 are killed in a high school massacre. The weapon? An AR-15 rifle. It is the preferred weapon for school shootings. Why are they sold (In Florida, they are easier to buy than a handgun)? Because our disgusting Republican congressmen, champion hypocrites, intone prayers while wallowing in NRA campaign dollars. And, the “war on drugs” and the war in Afghanistan continue. Both expensive and futile. Der Trumperer wants billions to build his Mexico Wall in order to stem drug trafficking and and keep out “bad hombres.” The “Wall” won’t stop the flow of drugs. Since Americans want forbidden drugs it is all a simple matter of demand and supply. When will there be legalization of narcotics and the acknowledgment that addiction is a medical problem and not a criminal problem?

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