HG: Cowboychick

January 20th, 2011 § 0 comments

Some 26 years ago, HG and BSK left New York and New Jersey for a 100-acre horse ranch on a mountainside (9,000 feet) between Golden and Black Hawk, Colorado (45 minutes from Denver). Not such a radical change for Canada and Midwest-reared BSK. But, for HG? HG was born in The Bronx, educated at CCNY. Lived and worked in Manhattan (except for a Montclair,N.J. interlude). Summered on Fire Island. Didn’t get his driver’s license until age 50 (strictly a taxi and subway guy). Get the picture? Mr.Noo Yawk, Noo Yawk. If you can make it there, etc.,etc.!!! Well. Within a year HG was on a horse five hours a day. HG said: “Howdy!” HG wore cowboy boots. Every Colorado male wore cowboy boots (including lawyers…who wore cowboy boots with their conservative suits).  HG occasionally wore a cowboy hat…a large Stetson.  It did not enhance HG’s appearance.  HG resembled a mushroom, according to BSK.  HG fell in love with big skies, barrel cactus, pinon trees, sagebrush, friendly people, neighbors who came to your rescue when you were in trouble, aspen leaves that turned to gold in September,  star filled nights and mountain Columbine.  Food was a problem  (this was before glorious Whole Foods invaded). Supermarket bread, meat, fish (frozen), chicken, cheese.  Sub par. Tasteless. The solution was Vietnamese food (scores of  Asian markets and restaurants were located on Federal Boulevard in Denver and the pho and fresh fish were New York quality). Also, the Mexican (really Tex-Mex) food was very good.  No, there was no Santa Fe green chile or New Mexican posole  and menudo but there were plenty of enchiladas and fiery salsas. Chipotle Grill started in Colorado so a giant burrito was always available.  And, Pete’s Diner on Colfax Avenue served a breakfast burrito that could sustain a growing boy or HG for a day. Each year  Denver’s dining options became better and more diverse (now the city has about a dozen really world class places…Fruition and Bones are among HG’s favorites). Strangers called HG “Pard.” Once, happily, HG was called “Hoss.”  Restaurants had no dress code.  Dave Barry rightly called Denver “world capital of acid-ashed jeans.”  Folks ate early.  Breakfast at 7 AM and dinner at 6PM.  HG adjusted.  Today, HG and BSK live a bit north of Santa Fe, The City Different.  Lots of good architecture, art, opera, music, food, stylish people and –in general– left and liberal in politics and cultural outlook.  In most cities, older people look like they’re candidates for assisted living (older women are often pastel polyester fashion victims).  Not in Santa Fe.  Oldsters look good. In addition to handsome people, Santa Fe has great mountains and mesas.  Glorious sunsets. New York? Still the center of the universe. Still has an atmosphere that vibrates with energy.  Still suffering from the same problem. If there’s something really good to do  (see a movie, look at art, eat a great meal) a million people want to do it at the same time. Noo Yawk, Noo Yawk..if you can make it there you can make it, etc. etc.

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