Living With History

May 8th, 2012 § 0 comments

At HG and BSK’s verdant compound in Santa Fe County, the fortunate duo live in close linkage to thousands of years of history. HG and BSK’s five acres are fed water from an Acequia, a communal irrigation canal that preserves and shares water in New Mexico’s desert environment. A Mayordomo (water master) makes all decisions concerning the Acequia and supervises equable water distribution throughout the community (neighbor Tony G. is HG and BSK’s Mayordomo). Acequias were born more than 10,000 years ago in the deserts of the middle east, established in Spain by the Moors during their 800-year reign and brought to New Mexico by the Spaniards. Acequia irrigation means a plentiful supply of flowers for the HG/BSK household and, best of all, a fertile herb garden filled with basil, mint, sage, tarragon,rosemary, parsley and chives. BSK puts them, with a bow to history, to very good use in the HG/BSK kitchen.

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