Fabulous Fish Tacos

August 18th, 2024 § 0 comments

Gifted daughter Lesley R. (with collaboration from HG/BSK son Jeremy) crafted a sensational fish taco dinner (supper)  last night. Perfectly broiled haddock enlivened with a host of herbs, spices plus chopped  scallions, tomatoes and parsley was tucked into gently heated corn tortillas. On the table there was pico de gallo, corn salad, cole slaw, sliced radishes, fiery pickles and a host of hot sauces. There was also a tasty mayonnaise based  sauce for non-spicy nibbles. Cold beer was the appropriate drink. These tacos were better than the fish tacos served in heralded Mexican eateries. Yes, the home team was the winner in the fish taco sweepstakes.

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