Victoria Arrives!

August 8th, 2024 § 0 comments

HG’s wonderful daughter, Victoria Freeman, has arrived. Usually, her annual trip for a family reunion at HG/BSK/RIVA’s Prince Edward Island oceanfront home has been marred by mishaps–cancelled flights, inconvenient landings, etc.–a short flight would turn into an epic of delay and hours long tedium. Not this time. Everything went smoothly and a smiling Vicki made a grand entrance–beautiful as usual. Earlier in the day, Exquisite Maiko visited Naufrage Harbor in search of fresh mackerel; while there was no mackerel to be found, a boat returned with a freshly caught 300 pound tuna. After butchering the large fish, the kind fishermen gifted Maiko the head of the beast. She spent the day laboriously cutting apart the head, delivering up a large amount of delicious tuna. For dinner, EM served seared tuna with ponzu sauce and clams steamed in sake. This was served alongside sautéed vegetables and tahina-beet salad. There was a big salad of local greens and a cheese platter. Cheeses came from daughter, Lesley R. and husband, Massimo R.’s six hour ferry trip to the Magdalen Islands (strictly francophone,only French is spoken–no English –all signage is in French–lucky that Massimo has some fluency in French). Magdalen Islands produces spectacular goat cheese and other yummy cheese delights –tohght’s cheese platter was a gourmand treat.. HG/BSK will have to visit these Islands. HG has a vision of baguettes, sweet butter, cheeses, red wine–seated comfortably and with a good appetite gazing at miles of blue water and sandy beaches. These are French islands, part of Quebec and an exemplar of the French talent for cheese and pleasure.

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