Picardie Tumblers

June 12th, 2024 § 0 comments

This is the glass you’ll find on the tables at every Paris bistro and cafe  And, the glass that’s on HG/BSK’s dinner table and food prep bar–it’s the go to glass for water (and sometimes for rough and ready cheap red wine). A dozen years ago, Saveur Magazine did a`brief article on the Picardies. HG learned the glass has been manufactured by the French company, Duralex, since 1929. (The year of HG’s birth). Duralex patented the process that made the glass unbreakable, shatterproof and impervious to heat. Despite HG’s clumsiness, the  eight glasses in HG/BSK’s cupboard look good as new. The glass has a pleasing fluted shape and a  reassuring weight. (Am sipping water from one right now). They will be passed on to our surviving family.

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