More Comfort

October 24th, 2022 § 0 comments

Riverside, Ri, is getting chilly. But, HG is comfy at the home of gifted daughter, Lesley R., and her equally gifted husband, Profesore Massimo R. (HG hopes that the weather in New Mexico is pleasant for BSK as BSK expedites the arduous move to HG/BSK’s fabulous Providence loft). Lesley’s culinary skills are put to good use as she creates dinners that are tasty, anti-chill and true comfort. Witness tonight’s feast. It began with paper thin slices of Italian prosciutto draped over wedges of sweet and juicy cantaloupe. A judicious grind of black pepper over the ham. A sip of red wine. Pleasure. Main dish was a red lentil stew that was steaming and full of enticing spices. This is one of HG’s favorite dishes (in cold weather or warm). Both Lesley and BSK are expert in cooking this dish (BSK’s version is a bit smoother, Lesley’s has a wee bit of crunch). This was followed by ripe gorgonzola with fig jam (more sips of red wine). Dessert (for HG) was Talenti Sea Salt Caramel Ice Cream. Yes, HG is living good in the Riverside neighborhood.

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