Liebman’s, Adam S., and BSK

July 11th, 2021 § 0 comments

BSK was a fashionable delight yesterday in a Liebman’s Kosher Delicatessen T-shirt (a gift for BSK from–sadly–the late, brilliant, much beloved Adam Schlesinger). Adam grew up with HG/BSK’s son, Jeremy ( Adam called him “Jerums” and they were as close as brothers during Adam’s all too short life). HG/BSK always considered Adam to be their second son. And, thinking about Liebman’s made HG/BSK realize how much Adam (and his musical genius) is missed. Liebman’s (founded in 1953) was much enjoyed by Adam, Jeremy and HG. Located on Johnson Avenue in the Riverdale section of The Bronx, HG ate there frequently when living in Riverdale in the 50’s. Adam and Jeremy continued the tradition when Adam lived in Riverdale in order to be close to his daughters. Liebman’s may be the best traditional Jewish deli in New York. Encyclopedic menu of greatest Jewish culinary gems. Pastrami and corned beef, of course, but also: Knockwurst, matzo ball soup, gefilte fish, chopped liver, chicken in the pot, farvel and mushrooms, kasha varnishkes, etc., etc. Adam was a big pastrami fan so it is sad that he is unable to taste the great pastrami served at Freeman Shokudo, Jeremy (and wife Maiko’s) barbecue izakaya in Tokyo. So good that if Adam tasted it, he would have wanted to establish a residence in Tokyo.

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