Hairy Houses

May 22nd, 2020 § 0 comments

HG/BSK’s multi-talented son, Jeremy, is now a resident of Tokyo (with wife, Exquisite Maiko; son, Handsome and musical Haru; daughter, Adorable Teru). SJ has a remarkable eye for the majestic, trivial, eccentric and castaway elements of urban life. Indeed, he is a poet of urbanism. When living in Brooklyn, SJ photographed abandoned chairs. Once useful objects of comfort, these chairs now went to scavengers and garbage trucks. SJ called them “Sad Chairs” and they gained attention, with wistful, haunting captions, on the internet. There are few cities larger and more densely populated than Tokyo. However, nature is much admired by Tokyo urbanites. HG has now turned his camera on “Hairy Houses”, small buildings literally smothered in ivy or other greenery. “Hairy Houses” (so named by Adorable Teru) are an upbeat follow up to “Sad Chairs.”

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