
January 13th, 2020 § 0 comments

Prunes are not glamorous. HG presumes this is because of their association with old folks and laxative qualities. This is not the case in Eastern Europe where they are used to enhance many stews and roasts. The French and Germans often stuff a pork roast with prunes to savory effect. HG is fond of stewed prunes with Greek yogurt for breakfast. If you don’t want to stew dried prunes, soften them with a soaking in hot water. Prunes have a pleasant affinity with port. A tasty ending to a meal can be a sharp blue cheese (gorgonzola, Roquefort, stilton), nuts and prunes soaked in port. Plus, a glass of port, of course. The port soaked prunes are also nice with a dollop of vanilla ice cream or whipped cream. Try warm, stewed prunes covered with scotch whiskey and a bit of simple syrup. Odd, but good. HG’s late Mom’s dessert was prunes with “smetana” (sour cream). HG’s late Father married his prunes with a substantial glass of “slivovitz” (plum brandy).

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