Incomparable Lesley R.

March 6th, 2025 § 0 comments

If you are very lucky and very blessed, you would have a daughter like Lesley R. (HG/BSK’s extraordinary daughter). HG counts HG’s blessings–Lesley is a veritable Renaissance woman. She is a brilliant writer and communications expert (Communications Director of a Rhode Island medical group, a demanding executive position); household administrator; long time loving wife of Professor Massimo Riva; warm and helpful mother of Arianna and Sofia, brilliant daughters; exceptional cook—and more, and much more. HG/BSK would never have managed to move into HG/BSK’s Central Falls, RI, loft without Lesley’s 24/7 help. (She also found the loft and brought it to HG/BSK’s attention). This just scratches the surface of the things Lesley has done for her aged parents (HG is 95 and BSK is 83–however, BSK retains the beauty and strength of a woman decades younger). BSK is in Tokyo for a loving reunion with son Jeremy, his wife, Maiko, and son Haru and daughter Teru.  Lesley is living in HG/BSK’s loft and taking care of infirm HG. No easy task–since Lesley has to administer medical procedures, do messy personal tasks that HG can’t manage. She also has to shower the old guy, arrange breakfast and lunch, cook savory suppers. Of course, using BSK’s temporarily vacated office, she has to meet the unceasing demands of her Brown Medical position. Yes, she does it all with grace and good humor—a perfect amusing companion for HG.

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