Chicken Delights

March 21st, 2025 § 0 comments

Daughter Lesley R. came for supper last night while her husband, Profesore Massimo R. was conducting his cinema series at Brown University (where he is a tenured Professor and director of the Italian Studies Program). HG/BSK and Lesley had a stupendous meal. BSK created a long simmered stew of Bell & Evans chicken thighs and Lollipop Drumsticks. (Bell & Evans is the leader in packaging the best and freshest chicken parts (also whole chickens). Don’t know all of the ingredients of the BSK stew–but HG could identify chicken stock, olive oil, garlic, onions,potatoes. The stew contained fresh and dried herbs and spices plus an exuberant amount of fiery Spanish Pimenton. The stew was served on a bed of black lentils enriched with slices of golden beets. It was topped with spoonfuls of herbaceous Greek yogurt. The happy eaters drank a very good red—Salice Salentino. Joy.

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