
March 9th, 2025 § 0 comments

 Busy woman (caretaker-nurse-cook-household administrator.) Yes,daughter Lesley R. does many things for HG while BSK vacations and has a family reunion in Tokyo with son Jeremy, his wife, Maiko, and their children Haru (son) and Teru (daughter)). Taking care of HG is demanding. Lesley does it with grace and efficiency while meeting the demands of her career as Communications Director of Brown University Medical Group (numerous hospitals and medical personnel). A Wonder Woman (like her Mom). Time for a cooking break—so HG and Lesley had two splendid takeaway meals at HG/BSK’s Central Falls, RI, loft. One meal was Mexican. It was based on Birria, the long simmered meat soup/sauce. HG never tasted it before—it’s spectacular. HG and Lesley dipped Quesadillas (stuffed with cheese/onions/peppers/shredded pork) in the Birria. Accompanied by a Chilean red wine, this was a lush meal.The other meal was Japanese—sushi rolls (and for HG, a bowl of rice topped with many slices of tasty sauced Unagi). One of the rolls contained cream cheese in addition to the usual fish, etc. ingredients. HG has always thought adding cream cheese to a sushi roll was a bad idea. HG was wrong–the roll was a winner. The Unagi dish was spectacular–HG was concerned that eels (Unagi)  are an endangered species. Life will be lessened without them. Drank Muscadet with the meal—it was a gracious bow to Tokyo.

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