Three Layers of Delicious

February 20th, 2025 § 0 comments

HG is very fond of noodles and there are scores to taste and enjoy. Yes, there’s Italian pasta with an almost infinite amount of shapes and stuffed varieties. (ravioli,tortellini,etc).Then there are Asiatic noodles—buckwheat, rice, egg–that come in many widths and enrich ramen, soups, stir fries, etx. HG enjoys thick, Jewish egg noodles (Manischewitz is the best brand) in a bowl of cottage cheese and melted butter and in a steaming bowl of chicken soup. Farfalle (butterfly) pasta is added to Kasha to make much loved Kasha Varnishkes–and there’s an HG joy–Lukshen (noodle pudding)–savory with chicken fat or sweet with raisins and dried apricots. Last night, BSK made a wonderful three layer noodle dish HG had never tasted. before.  Of course, it was super delicious. The bottom layer was cooked rice noodles. This was topped with a mix of chopped peppers, fennel, onions and garlic. Top layer was two filets of fresh flounder. It got a big splash of olive oil, hot sauce, salt and pepper. It was cooked in the oven and BSK served it with a smile—another BSK culinary home run. Every BSK supper in HG/BSK’s Central Falls, RI, loft is a feast.

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