HG’s Daughters

February 5th, 2025 § 0 comments

HG has two brilliant and beautiful daughters—Victoria Freeman (from HG’s first marriage) and Lesley Riva (from HG’s marriage to the love of HG’s life, Sharon Kent Freeman).  Victoria lives in New York with husband, Marc Meyer,  and they are busy, successful restaurateurs. Happily, Lesley lives in Riverside, RI, a modest drive from HG/BSK’s Central Falls loft. She is a big time communications director and her husband, Massimo, is a tenured professor at Brown and much honored in the USA and Italy for his books and academic career. Vicki made a one day visit to Riverside and it was a happy reunion with this warm and beautiful woman (HG can’t believe she’s 65–looks decades younger.)  Naturally, Lesley prepared a wonderful dinner of linguini in swordfish sauce followed by salad and lush local cheeses. (Vanilla ice cream dessert for HG). Excellent  white wine was drunk. Vicki told us Marc has written a book that is being published by an esteemed firm. HG will not reveal details until it is released but HG/BSK are very proud of Marc. The non-fiction book  is very timely. Marc is a trailblazing chef and restaurant executive, a skilled kickboxer, and an author–A Renaissance man.

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