HG/BSK’s wonderful daughter, Lesley Riva, is a renaissance woman–multi talented and brilliant. She’s the communications director of a major health service provider. She’s a wonderful cook; a clear sighted adviser to her two adult daughters–Arianna and Sofia; loving wife, partner and companion of Massimo Riva (happily married for many decades). She’s an irreplaceable aid to HG/BSK–her selfless assistance has helped HG be 95 and reasonably mobile. Lesley sings with RPM, a rousing interracial gospel chorus. A few nights ago, HG/BSK attended a performance by RPM at the Beneficent Church in Providence. A blessed night, indeed. There were outstanding solos and many songs punctuated by rhythmic hand clapping from the audience. Beneficent is a historic and beautiful church with a long history of social activism. It was a stop on the “Underground Railroad”,the escape route from the South by Blacks fleeing slavery. It welcomed Chinese, when Chinese were targets of hate and persecution.Today, the church notes it is “Queer Friendly”. In this time of darkness, Beneficent remains a beacon of light.
Blessed Musical Night
December 13th, 2024 § 0 comments
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