Glad that HG/BSK live in Rhode Island. While America voted for autocracy, Rhode Island stayed true to its traditions and elected a Democratic Senatorial candidate as well as other Dems running in the election (Of course, Harris won big in Rhody). A visionary minister and theologian, Roger Williams (1603 was expelled from Massachusetts because he believed that “liberty of conscience” be espoused by religion. He also believed in freedom of religion, separation of church and state, fair dealings with Native Americans.) .He founded Providence Plantation (later the State of Rhode Island) based on these principles. (Obviously, Rhody still believes in them.) George Washington summed it up in a letter to the Touro Synagogue in Newport –“to bigotry no sanction—to persecution no assistance.” Touro Synagogue, a national historic site, is still standing. Completed in 1763, Touro is the oldest synagogue in the United States. Rhody is a very diverse state–many working class neighborhoods (with immigrant majorities). Mansions galore ($10,000,000 to $29,000,000–Newport started it all). Elegant, affordable houses with water views. With water power available, Rhody was part of the industrial revolution. The loft buildings that once were mills have been converted to loft condominiums—HG/BSK live in a 3,200 square foot loft in Central Falls–loads of light from giant windows. The State is surrounded by the Atlantic Ocean and intersected by numerous bays and rivers. It is a seafood paradise–world’s best oysters, clams and squid (Calamari and hot peppers is the official Rhody dish). Loads of fresh fish–many line caught. There are also homey clam shacks and oyster bars for casual noshing. There are ethnic restaurants by the dozen–Portuguese, Cape Verde, Mexican, Spanish, Italian, Asian, etc. In Central Falls where HG/BSK live, Central American cuisine reigns. You won’t go hungry in Rhody–valued stronghold of Democracy and Democrats.
Rhode Island: Stronghold of Democracy and Democrats
November 6th, 2024 § 0 comments
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