When HG lived in Santa Fe and Colorado, HG could drive. This meant HG could motor to excellent Vietnamese restaurants and enjoy super size bowls of Pho, enlivened with a handful of greens and herbs. Happily, there were almost a score of good Pho restaurants in Denver (most located on or near Federal Boulevard.) In Santa Fe, HG lunched very often at Saigon Cafe, excellent food and efficient service. These days in Rhode Island, HG is a bit too handicapped to drive. BSK is the chauffeur de luxe. One problem. BSK (despite HG pleading) refuses to stop at any eatery–Vietnamese, Japanese, Mexican, etc.. BSK makes up for it by making wonderful Pho with leftover Bell & Evans chicken, rice noodles, and a host of vegetables, spices and herbs. HG had two big bowls of BSK Pho last night. Joy!! BSK made enough for an HG supper next night (if BSK protests, BSK will freeze wonder Pho).
Pho Is Good Fun
November 21st, 2024 § 0 comments
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