In many Asian restaurants HG has consumed, with pleasure, dishes with coconut milk as a major ingredient. On the other hand, BSK has shunned coconut milk. Presumably, BSK has believed that it resembles dairy sweet cream–which BSK abhors. Meanwhile, gifted daughter, Lesley R., has used coconut milk in many family dishes she has made in the Riverside, RI, home she shares with husband, Professor Massimo R. HG/BSK have enjoyed Lesley R. coconut milk dishes and BSK’s aversion to the ingredient has vanished. Last night, BSK made a fabulous stew/saute of swordfish in a coconut milk sauce. The ingredients—slices of swordfish, coconut milk, garlic, ginger, tomatoes, olive oil,turmeric and a spoonful of honey. BSK simmered the swordfish in this flavorful melange–the result was the most delicious fish dish HG ever tasted (the exception, of course, is the buttery, astronomically priced Dover Sole at Le Dome in Paris). Sadly, HG can’t get to Paris but BSK’s cooking captures the flavors of that city—and BSk’s wine selections turns HG/BSK’s Central Falls, RI, dining room into a Left Bank bistro serving splendid dishes for supper.
Coconut Milk Rules
November 19th, 2024 § 0 comments
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