BSK has often mentioned shopping at Market Basket in Pawtucket, RI. To HG, the name indicated a small Mom-and-Pop grocer. A few days ago, HG accompanied BSK to Market Basket for shopping. Surprise!! Market Basket was vast, the biggest supermarket ever–and everything was sparkling and fresh, super quality. Helpful employees did some guidance. Among many other things, BSK picked up a Bell & Evans chicken (B & E is the favorite brand of discerning chefs). BSK spatchcocked the chicken, gave it a rubdown with spices and herbs, and roasted it in the oven. BSK is a master of roast timing. The chicken had crisp, golden skin and juicy flavorful meat (even the breast was juicy). It was the best chicken HG ever tasted and the accompaniment–quinoa with chopped spinach–was a good choice to absorb the tasty juices from the roasting pan. Fortunately, the chicken and quinoa dish was a double header–enough for two hearty suppers. And, just as good and juicy on the second night.
Market Basket
October 16th, 2024 § 0 comments
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