
September 1st, 2024 § 0 comments

Sadness at HG/BSK/RIVA oceanfront home on Prince Edward Island, Canada’s smallest and gentlest province. HG/BSK’s son, Jeremy, and his daughter, Teru, have left PEI and are now mid flight to Tokyo. HG misses his son, a loving and erudite guy who is a great cook and a sparkling presence. And,Teru? The pre-teen young lady is beautiful and graceful, very helpful to HG and each night has served HG an ice cream dessert to climax HG’s supper. Tonight was a farewell meal. Teru had a requested lobster. HG/BSK, daughter, Lesley, and husband, “Max” (Massimo), Jeremy had a lush halibut and corn chowder (“chowda”).  HG was wistful as Teru served HG’s traditional dessert. HG will try to stay alive and enjoy another family reunion on PEI. 

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