Multi talented daughter, Lesley R., was busy last night at the stove–beginning the saute for her beguiling supper pasta when–E-E-E-K!!!—a frisky little grey mouse scampered across her arm. Pandemonium!! Lesley’s husband captured the mouse and gave it a humane death. During the ensuing clean up and excitement, Lesley burnt her sauce and had to start over. So, into the pan went olive oil, zucchini, kalamata olives, cherry tomatoes, feta, corn, garlic and basil. This was mixed with Malfatti pasta (a lovely shape that captured the vegetable sauce). Lesley made HG’s portion extra creamy (and swallowable) by adding labneh and a splash of olive oil (another example of Lesley’s concern for her father). Additions were grated parmesan and aleppo pepper. A happy meal (despite little rodent intrusion). There are now many state of the art mouse traps strategically positioned in the HG/BSK/RIVA oceanfront family home on serene Prince Edward Island.
Mouse Interruptus
September 3rd, 2024 § 0 comments
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