HG and His Computer Are Alive

September 12th, 2024 § 0 comments

Worried fans of HG: HG is alive and will soon be posting daily about HG/BSK’s culinary experiences. HG’s computer died and now HG has a new one. Hooray. BSK’s sister, Noel M and her husband, Yossi M., dined at HG/BSK’s Prince Edward Island oceanfront home last night. BSK made a wonderful coconut milk, rice, scallop, and mussel stew –with a modest dollop of Harissa it was stupendous. Noel brought a fruit compote. Bowls were topped with French Vanilla ice cream. A delightful climax. HG has been urging BSK to collaborate with HG in making a dried fruit compote. The pantry has all the ingredients—figs, dates, raisins, cherries, prunes, apricots. Maybe Noel’s tasty version will spur BSK to action (BSK can’ be out-compoted by a kid sister).

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