BSK is Canadian born Anglo Saxon. Not Jewish. Ida Kopkind Freeman, HG’s late, beloved Mother, was a Jewish immigrant to the United States, born and raised in a Belorussian “shtetl”, spoke Yiddish and heavily accented English. So, besides love for HG, what did these polar opposites have in common? A strong Waste Not–Want Not philosophy. Never throw out leftovers. Save all foodstuffs. Living through “shetl” hardships, lower east side ramshackle tenements and The Great Depression–HG’s Mother’s food saving habits were understandable. BSK got food saving habits from BSK’s loving paternal grandmother. BSK”s paternal grandmother and grandfather were English immigrants to Canada and had known some impoverished years (grandfather was raised in a Barnardo orphanage–he enjoyed it because he got enough to eat.) BSK, who spent her early years in Canada, was very close to BSK’s grandmother and imprinted in BSK’s memory are grandmother’s food habits. Last night, BSK made splendid use of leftover quinoa. It was refreshed with some stock, softly fried onions, garlic and peppers –plus flat leaf parsley, All was at hand in the fridge and pantry. This was topped with sauteed sliced sea scallops (bought a day ago). Another glorious BSK supper at HG/BSK’s oceanfront home on green and serene Prince Edward Island.
BSK and Ida
September 19th, 2024 § 0 comments
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