SJ’s Pork Chops

August 6th, 2024 § 0 comments

HG ate a pork chop tonight. For almost two years HG has been unable to eat chops, steaks and other meat delights (exceptions were ground meat and long simmered stews). The problem was HG’s increasing inability to swallow becase of throat constriction (unpleasant side effect of throat cancer surgery in 1992). Son Jeremy is an outstanding cook–and at Handsome Haru’s request–SJ fried thin (brined) pork chops in a winey sauce to delicious tenderness. It took some vigorous chewing, but HG  relished a large chop. And, the accompaniments were wonderful–basmati rice topped with black beans and bracing vinegar peppers. HG recalled that HG first tasted the pork chop and vinegar peppers combo decades ago at Delsomma, a New York Italian restaurant–loved it. BSK makes excellent vinegar peppers and there’s usually a jar in the fridge. Lucky HG.

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