Lesley & Max

August 31st, 2024 § 0 comments

HG/BSK are lucky gourmands. Daughter Lesley R. and son Jeremy are vacationing at the family oceanfront (stirring water views) home on peaceful Prince Edward Island. They are wonderful cooks (as is BSK). So, every “supper” (that’s what they call dinner on PEI) is an extravaganza of culinary pleasure based (for the most part) on local produce. Some years ago, HG would skip lunch. Lesley R. and her husband, Massimo “Max” R. noticed that this left HG dizzy and awkward. They made it their mission to make sure the oldster lunches. Now, HG has tasty midday lunches prepared by them. Today, it was a dish of Jeremy’s hummus, newly picked and boiled PEI potatoes and Greek Yogurt –all flavored with olive oil, sea salt, freshly ground black pepper and a bit of pimenton. The food made HG happily sigh as HG munched. Lesley and Max scored again.

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