Inventive Supper

August 12th, 2024 § 0 comments

Had a pleasant supper (that’s what they call dinner on Prince Edward Island where family life is enjoyed at the HG/BSK/RIVA oceanfront home). Son Jeremy made a lusty and lush tomato-based seafood stew It was savory and satisfying with juicy shrimp, potatoes, chunks of hake, tomatoes, sweet corn kernels; onions, garlic and an abundance of herbs and spices. SJ made a rouille sauce with roast red peppers, mayonnaise, and spices to add to the stew (HG would have been happy to eat a gallon of the stew and added sauce) The second part of the meal was a classic:  Slices of roasted yellow beets topped with goat cheese, walnuts and BSK’s vinaigrette. Sumptuous—and refreshing. The happy group drank a lot of white wine and red Pinot Noir. Life’s good.

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