For many years HG demeaned vegetables. “Rabbit food.” “Earth garbage.” Etc., etc.. The exceptions were sweet corn and New Jersey tomatoes. Potatoes were okay if they flanked steak and other meat treats. With old (very old) age, HG’s tastes have changed. He now loves veggies. A misfortune: HG can’t eat leafy green salads because of throat constriction from cancer surgery. Fortunately, endive leaves are a treat as well as chopped spinach. Broccoli, cauliflower, zucchini and okra are favorites. Last night, Gifted Daughter Lesley R. prepared a healthy and deeply flavored pasta dish for supper at the family oceanfront home on Prince Edward Island. Cauliflower, zucchini, cherry tomatoes, corn kernels were gently sauteed in olive oil and spices. The melange was flavored with feta cheese. This was mixed with pasta (linguine for HG and farfalle for HG’s tablemates). Astoundingly delicious. Hey, do vegetarians make sense?
Healthy Delight
August 24th, 2024 § 0 comments
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