Great Reunion

August 2nd, 2024 § 0 comments

Yes. HG/BSK, Gifted Daughter Lesley and her husband Massimo are bursting with joy at the reunion with HG/BSK’s Tokyo based family–son Jeremy looking trim and younger than his age; SJ’s wonderful wife and business partner, exquisite Maiko Sakamoto; their son Haru, now a man and preparing for college; daughter, 12-year-old Teru, a beauty. And, as a bonus, Maiko’s Mom. She joined the family in making the long journey to HG/BSK’s Prince Edward Island oceanfront home. (as HG writes this, the Tokyoites are frolicking on the beach in front of the HG/BSK home). Teru anticipates eating many PEI mussels (harvested in nearby St. Peter’s Bay). Lots of talented cooks are assembled so there will be many jolly feasts.

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