Fried Chicken

August 14th, 2024 § 0 comments

When HG was a senior at CCNY (1950), HG was one of a select group that acted as counselors and basketball coaches for violent (“bopping”) youth gangs in Harlem. HG’s mission was to show young Black men that there were constructive paths to follow –education for one–rather than wounding or killing rival gang members in “turf” battles. Another part of HG’s mission was to channel youthful energies into athletics–namely basketball– where  HG’s coaching was augmented by participation of CCNY basketball star Sonny Jameson (HG encountered Sonny again in New York –1963–he had become a high school principal). So, in 1950 HG spent much time in Harlem where HG enjoyed neighborhood food. The principal treat was pan fried chicken sided by mac and cheese and collard greens. (Smothered pork chops were another yummy one). During HG/BSK’s 61 years of marriage, talented cook BSK has prepared a vast number of chicken dishes–preferring healthier chicken over meat. But, no fried chicken. So, it was a very special occasion last night at HG/BSK/RIVA’s Prince Edward Island’s oceanfront home. Son Jeremy prepared a true Harlem “down home” meal of fried chicken, stewed beet greens, mashed potatoes and corn on the cob. Fabulous eating. The greaseless chicken had a crisp, spicy crust and juicy interior–better than the Harlem fried yardbirds HG ate many decades ago. (Don’t know if Jeremy and wife, Maiko Sakamoto, will put them on the menu of Freeman Shokudo, the Tokyo izakaya they own and run). Jeremy has done much cooking during his (and family) vacation/reunion on PEI. Much to everyone’s pleasure, Jeremy is a culinary talent. HG is sad that distance prevents HG from eating Freeman Shokudo’s  (better than NYC Katz’s) superlative pastrami.

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