Tuesday (July 2) is the big day–HG/BSK’s 61st wedding anniversary. A day of joyous (and challenging) memories. HG/BSK rejoice in their wonderful children and grandchildren. Daughter Lesley R. has been in a long and happy marriage with her husband, Massimo (much loved and admired by HG/BSK). Likewise son, Jeremy, who is happily married to his wife and business partner, Maiko Sakamoto (diminutive in stature but a giant in culinary skills, business smarts and capacity to love and nurture Jeremy and their children, Haru and Teru). Very old HG (95 in November) is very shaky, often dizzy, and has difficulty walking and doing minor household tasks. Today, HG recalled the very athletic things HG/BSK did together until HG advanced into HG’s mid 80’s. Long beach walks and city walks. Ocean swimming and bodysurfing (BSK bodysurfed into the advanced days of pregnancy). Kadima and other Fire Island beach. games–volleyball and touch football (BSK startled men by outracing them and with good hands snatching HG’s passes). One wall and four wall competitive paddle and racquetball. Horseback riding and equestrianism at HG//BSK’s Colorado ranch, perched at a 9,000 foot elevation in the Rocky Mountain foothills. Skiing (BSK very good and HG very bad). Tennis (BSK quite good and HG very bad). Much bicycling (First in New York’s Central Park and then in Vancouver’s Stanley Park and other venues in that bike friendly city–also cycled in Denver,Nantucket and Santa Fe. Yes, HG/BSK did all of this and more plus regular workouts at gyms. (Might be why HG is still alive). My niece-in-law, Viki Freeman, commented on old guys married to younger women:The geezers want Nurse and Purse. Well, HG doesn’t need Purse but HG is very grateful for the 24/7 nursing care BSK provides (While maintaining a mostly equable temper despite HG’s incessant demands). HG is still very much in love with this remarkable woman. BSK appearance: Still stylish and chic,svelte, beautiful, shapely. Creativity: Painting better than ever. BSK’s canvases of Colorado and New Mexico landscapes and plateau vistas dazzle HG– as do Prince Edward Island seascapes. And, each night BSK cooks delectable meals–all with a BSK creative tweak. Yes, despite handicaps, HG–because of BSK–is a happy man who wants more years with The Wonder Woman.
61 — And Want More
July 1st, 2024 § 0 comments
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