The great restaurant, Gage & Tollner, the venerable and historic landmark of downtown Brooklyn, has reopened after being closed for a number of years. According to the media, the antique interior has been meticulously retained while getting a needed sprucing. Unfortunately, HG/BSK won’t be dining there. The prices are too lofty ( 19 bucks for French fries and most main dishes around $60). And, they are not serving the tasty dishes of yesteryear (check the archive for S ept. 3, 2019 post). HG/BSK ate there often before moving to Colorado, Santa Fe, Vancouver 38 years ago–now living in Central Falls, RI. Alas, clam bellies; mutton chop with corn fritters; Nesselrode Pie are not on present day G & T menus. Sad. However, HG/BSK have their happy culinary memories.
Gage & Tollner Has Reopened: Atmospheric Prices
June 6th, 2024 § 0 comments
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